The Living is Selling Way

Our sales training is the process of working one-to-one with individual salespeople to help you identify and develop actionable solutions to your specific sales challenges. These 45-minute solution based calls are your chance to talk to a seasoned sales professional and get help to deal with ongoing and day-to-day issues.

Together, we will help you identify mindset and behavioural changes that will positively impact your approach, attitude and bottom line. We also shine a light on the buyer and their needs and concerns. Increasing your understanding of the importance of helping buyers buy is critical to your own sales success too. These sessions are confidential and delivered over the phone or video.

How we are different:

Most sales training is delivered impersonally in a one-to-many group workshop or in a conference setting where the audience is made up of both high and low performers. Our sales training is designed to be custom tailored to your unique challenges and provide direction to solving these issues one-on-one. Because the sessions are for individuals, we can accommodate all levels of experience, from the rookie to the seasoned veteran.

Our sales training includes:

  • private and personal 45 minute sessions, with no interruptions
  • help to see solutions that are specific to you
  • help to build "soft skills" to amplify successes
  • 60+ guided topics to choose from

What our sales training does not have:

  • We don't focus on the "hard skills" of sales such as funnels, objections, closing, etc. because you already know what they are and how to get those answers
  • We don't have a pre-defined system or methodology for the so called linear sales cycle.
  • There are no homogenized materials, tests, or workbooks.
  • no role playing

Expected outcomes:

  • increased confidence in meeting your sales targets
  • new and creative ways of overcoming issues and obstacles
  • better time management
  • improved decision making
  • a competitive advantage
  • improved personal and professional relationships
  • improved collaboration with team members, management and clients
  • deeper focus and motivation
  • develop a strong growth mindset
  • increased empathy for others

Sales team training:

If you are a business owner or a sales manager, we also offer training service for your team members. However, unlike expensive group training, we deliver our services to each of your salespeople on a one one basis as well. The 45 minute sessions enable each person to speak freely in confidence. In this case, should we hear about issues that appear to be common, the report to management would be aggregated so that concerns by the group could be dealt with.


We charge an hourly rate per 45 minute session per salesperson. Groups would receive a discount on that rate. Our services can be scheduled or booked on an as needed basis. Please call to get your questions answered. Quotes will be provided if requested.

"The quickest way to grow your business is to grow your people."
Robin Sharma

Unite Interactive